2.     Symbolism of Space: The Three-Dimensional  Cross

I. The view of reality as multileveled causes a misunderstanding: levels imply space, space entails distance and distance spells separation.

A. But separation is what religion seeks to overcome.

B. God is "out there" in power and majesty but being everywhere is at the same time "nearer than our jugular vein"

II. A three-dimensional cross is the most adequate model of reality that space can provide

A. The vertical axis intersects all the planes of existence and ranks them in a hierarchy of being and worth

1. At the middle, the only horizontal arms we can see represents the human plane, the terrestrial plane, the plane of this world

2. The top of the vertical axis represents the supreme plane, the Infinite

B. The two horizontal arms represent space and time on our particular plane

C. The center from which the arms protrude symbolizes resolution of two kinds

1. Union of complements

2. Resolution of opposites


Home ] Up ] Preface ] 1. The Way Things Are ] [ 2. Symbolism of Space: The Three-Dimensional Cross ] 3. The Levels of Reality ] 4. The Levels of Selfhood ] 5. The Place of Science ] 6. Hope, Yes; Progress, No ] 7. Epilogue ] Appendix: The Psychedelic Evidence ]