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with some random questions and comments

A. Is it the word of God?

B. Is it inerrant?

C. How should it be interpreted?

D. Has revelation ceased?

E. Must we study it?

F. What's the best English translation?

God in General

A. Only One true God?

B. Does He exist in three persons?

C. What are the attributes of God?

God the Father

A. Does He exist eternally as the first person of the Trinity?

B. Did He create the universe? Did He do in six literal days?

C. Is He the author of the Bible?

D. Does He have a plan for our redemption?

E. Does He rule mankind?

God the Son

A. Is Jesus God?

B. How and why was Jesus born?

C. What was the mission of Jesus?

God the Holy Spirit

A. Is there a Holy Spirit?

B. Is the Holy Spirit a person?

C. What did the Holy Spirit do?

D. What does the Holy Spirit do today?

E. When will His battle with Satan cease?

A. How were we created?

B. Why were we created?

C. Have we freewill?

D. Who was Adam?

E. What's he to us?

A. What's sin?

B. Where did it come from?

C. What was the first sin in the world?

D. Which of us are sinners?

E. What's the penalty?

A. Has the plan ever changed?  What's it Do?

B. What motivated the plan?

C. Where is its basis to found?

D. What's its basis?

E. How much does it cost us?

F. What's our choice?

G. When can we receive salvation?

H. What will indicate we have it?

I. When do its benefits expire?

A List of Terms Concerning Salvation & Their Definitions

A. Who or what are angels?

B. Why were they created?

C. Who's the highest angel  &  D. What's the work of The Devil and the fallen angels?

E. What's demon possession?

A. Definition thereof

B. Manifestations thereof

C. Purpose thereof

D. Offices thereof

E. Ordinances thereof

F. Mission thereof

G. Baptist distinctives

A. What's the Rapture?

B. What's the Bema Seat?

C. What's the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?

D. What's the Tribulation Period?

E. What's the Millennial Kingdom?

F. When Will Satan Be Defeated?

G. What's the Great White Throne Judgment?

H. When Will God Create a New Heaven and a New Earth?


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